Electrical Installation AL_E546

Electrical Installation AL_E546

Product Price:INR 40000

-Front panel built with high class insulated Bakelite sheet with Sticker well printed circuits and symbols.
-Instruction manual.
-Patch Cords 4mm (Heavy Duty) 1Meter Length.
-High Voltage Test Points are Provided With 4mm Safety Sockets
-The trainer is housed in Rack Type Channel Extruded Panel
-Panel is modular based easy to place and remove the Module.
-Short Circuit protection with the MCB.
-Size of the trainer set 42"x24"

Product Description

Power Supplies:
-AC Power Supply 0-415V AT 4A (Optional) -Operated on Mains power 415V, 50Hz +10% Digital Meters:
-Voltmeter (For Primary and Secondary)
-Ammeter (For Primary and Secondary)
-Wattmeter (Analog Type)
Components are mounted on the panels are:
-3 Phase Lamp Load (Start Connected) Switched Control
-3 Phase Transformer Unit (440V/220V) Copper Winding
-Emergency Stop